Bridge Street Café

Basic Food Hygiene awards
The Haywain is fading by the menu boards
A scruffy brown terrier tied
to the steering wheel of a red Motability vehicle outside

The apparatus has lifted us into the Bridge Street Café

Woven mats of straw
Real and imaginary lines criss-cross the floor
An alcove reveals the scrolls of a Buddhist priest
A simple meal of seasonal foods followed by sweets

The paradigms have shifted at the Bridge Street Café

Spiky organic structures are bruised with a stone hammer
held in the wrinkled hands of a Kalahari nomad
Water becomes vapour and the mixtures passes
into our systems

The catechins take effect
Inhibited congealing of the blood platelet
Acerbic astringency
Diminished lipoproteins of low density

Withered by hot air on the continuous conveyer
The leaves that have been sifted for the Bridge Street Café
See our bibs, each with a trough, a narrow channel to prevent run-off
As our consciousnesses drift inside the Bridge Street Café