Prebendary Barnes, Prebendary Barnes
I long to sing a psalm, see a lectern, hear a sermon
Prebendary Barnes, Prebendary Barnes
Hold me in your arms at the hecatomb of Omdurman
I long to sing a psalm, see a lectern, hear a sermon
Prebendary Barnes, Prebendary Barnes
Hold me in your arms at the hecatomb of Omdurman
As I face the enemy
I think of Heavitree
My friend the Prebendary
Prebendary Barnes
I think of Heavitree
My friend the Prebendary
Prebendary Barnes
'The End of General Gordon' (from 'Eminent Victorians') by Lytton Strachey.
photo: St Michael & All Angels Church, Heavitree, Exeter - attributed to Derek Harper.
photo: St Michael & All Angels Church, Heavitree, Exeter - attributed to Derek Harper.